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Have you ever found yourself in a situation where your spouse’s work schedule interrupts your kids’ summer plans, leaving your traditional family vacation in jeopardy? That’s exactly what happened to our family. With my oldest about to head off to college in a year, I couldn’t let this precious time with my teenage boys slip away. So, we improvised and found a vacation option ideal for a mom traveling solo with teens who value a bit of independence but still require some supervision, especially when traveling abroad.

Traveling with active teens who naturally love to explore more on their own meant choosing a destination where they could explore their surroundings.  Keeping this in mind, I needed a destination where I wouldn’t be worried about safety or my teens being curious to wander off. Yes, if you haven’t reached the teenage years (yet), I can attest it’s the toddler years all over again as far as the worry goes.

After much thought and research, the Galapagos Islands became our perfect choice. Whether aboard a ship or venturing ashore, I always had peace of mind. In most cases, we were visiting tiny, uninhabited islands, so my boys were never out of my sight. Yet, they still had plenty of space to explore and fully enjoy the incredible wildlife, water adventures, sandy beaches, and volcanic landscapes that make the Galapagos, so unique.

A highlight of this trip was that I could bring along my niece, who also works with Boutique Travel Advisors for essentially the same price plus the cost of airfare. My boys enjoy having an unofficial big sister in their cousin, Chloe.  What made it even better was that it didn’t cost more! Since the pricing for two cabins was essentially the same for three people, having my niece as a roommate (the fourth person) worked out perfectly. It was a win-win—she joined our adventure without added expense, and I had some great adult company on our family adventure in the Galapagos.

The Galapagos offered us the perfect mix of adventure, family time, and the chance to truly disconnect. If you know my boys—or have teenagers of your own—you’ll understand why a destination like Barcelona, London, or even an all-inclusive resort in Mexico wasn’t ideal. There’s just too much temptation to explore nightlife. This wasn’t about recreating a spring break; we needed a vacation that balanced what we all value.

This meant quality time catching up with each other, enjoying some adventure, finding time for a good book, taking a break from work and school, and most importantly, creating cherished family memories in an incredible destination like the Galapagos Islands.

While our trip was perfect for our family, the Galapagos Islands offer a wide range of options for all types of travelers. Whether you’re seeking an adventurous expedition, a luxurious sailing experience, or something in between, there’s a way to explore this incredible destination that suits your travel style. You can choose from larger ships with more amenities, smaller, more intimate vessels, or even private charters for those who prefer an exclusive experience.

The beauty of the Galapagos is that, regardless of your choice of ship (not to say it doesn’t matter) or land itinerary (although we have some favorites), the destination remains the star of the show. The wildlife, landscapes, and natural wonders are truly unique. Whether you’re snorkeling with sea lions, hiking volcanic islands, or relaxing on pristine beaches, the Galapagos offers something for everyone. With that in mind, we’re exciting to share our day-to-day itinerary to give you a glimpse of what this incredible destination and a family adventure in the Galapagos has to offer.

Day 1: The Adventure Begins – Quito Awaits

Our Galapagos adventure kicked off with an exhilarating mix of excitement and travel hustle. The journey from the USA to Quito was long, but the thrill of finally being on our way to such a legendary destination kept our spirits high. Arriving in Quito the night before our tour, we were brimming with anticipation for the adventures ahead. While we wished we had given ourselves an extra day to acclimate and explore Quito’s charming streets, the limited sleep only added to the sense of adventure.

We quickly discovered the value of airport lounges, which provided a much-needed oasis of comfort during our extended travel day. Relaxing in these havens helped us recharge and build up even more excitement for the upcoming family adventure in the Galapagos Islands. With our bags packed and hearts full of anticipation, we were ready to dive into the magic of the Galapagos Islands.

Day 2: From Quito to Santa Cruz

Our second day began with an early transfer to the airport for our flight to the Galápagos Islands. The excitement in the air was palpable as we touched down and were greeted by our Naturalist Guide. After crossing to Santa Cruz Island, we were treated to a breathtaking exploration of the highlands and the Charles Darwin Research Station. Seeing the giant tortoises in their natural habitat was a profound highlight. The sheer size of these incredible creatures was inspiring—much larger than any tortoise we had encountered before. Although we were not allowed to touch the tortoises, they came pretty close to us!

The lush landscapes, vibrant wildlife, and engaging conservation efforts we observed added to the magic of the day. By the time we boarded the Reina Silvia Voyager in the late afternoon, we were exhausted but brimming with anticipation for the adventures to come during our family adventure in the Galapagos.

Day 3: Española Island – Gardner Bay and Punta Suárez

With excitement, we set sail for Española Island, one of the oldest islands in the archipelago. Our first stop was Gardner Bay, where we walked on stunning white sandy beaches amidst a bustling sea lion colony and marine iguanas. The beauty of the beach and the charm of the sea lions made it an unforgettable experience.

In the afternoon, we ventured to Punta Suárez. The island was alive with birdlife—birds were everywhere, from the ground to the cliffs, and the sky above. We observed their fascinating behaviors, from ritual mating dances to nurturing their young. The sight of sea lions “hanging 10” on the waves as our panga approached was both humorous and endearing.

The day’s highlight, however, was snorkeling with 50+ sea lions. They were incredibly playful and they made it seem like we were in a game of underwater tag. The sea lions would dart around us, clapping our fins and showing off their acrobatics. It was an experience like no other. Having snorkeled our whole lives in the Turks and Caicos Islands, it was cool to see such different underwater creatures.

Day 4: San Cristobal – Cerro Dragon and Punta Pitt

Our fourth day began with a visit to the stunning Punta Pitt on San Cristobal Island. The morning hike through eroded volcanic formations led us to a breathtaking plateau with panoramic views of the island and Islote Pitt. We were mesmerized by the surreal volcanic landscapes and the sparse, yet fascinating wildlife unique to San Cristobal. Here, we encountered the San Cristobal mockingbird and the San Cristobal lava lizard, as well as all three species of boobies—blue-footed, red-footed, and Nazca—nesting in the area. The sight of blue-footed boobies plunging into the ocean and frigate birds soaring overhead was truly magical.

In the afternoon, we explored Cerro Dragon, where we enjoyed a beautiful white sand beach and observed, once again, the playful sea lions. The highlight of the day was the boat navigating around the dramatic Kicker Rock. The towering vertical stone walls rising from the ocean provided an unforgettable sunset view, making for an awe-inspiring end to the day. We were struck by the stark beauty of the volcanic terrain and the unique atmosphere of this island compared to others we visited during our family adventure in the Galapagos. On this day, we realized exactly why the Galápagos Islands are one of the top places to embark on an expedition cruise. 

Day 5: Santa Fe and South Plaza – Iguanas and Bird Watching

Day five began with an exhilarating kayaking adventure around the crystal blue waters of Santa Fe Island. Paddling along the rugged coastlines, we marveled at the vibrant marine life visible in the shallow waters below. The close encounters with the island’s striking coastline and the colorful underwater world made for an unforgettable morning.

Later, we explored Santa Fe Island itself, where we were greeted by a mesmerizing mix of large land iguanas and towering Opuntia cacti. The sheer size of the iguanas was astonishing—much larger than the ones we had seen on “Iguana Island” in the Turks and Caicos. We were even fortunate enough to have some of these impressive reptiles swim alongside us while snorkeling in the lagoon, along with colorful fish and the occasional sea turtle.

In the afternoon, we ventured to South Plaza Island, which offered some of the best bird-watching opportunities we’d encountered. We marveled at the endemic land iguanas munching on Opuntia blossoms and leaves. On the cliffs, we watched Swallow-Tailed Gulls skillfully navigating the tricky air currents as they landed. From the bluff, we observed schools of Yellowtail Mullet and even spotted a shark swimming in the waters below. A special treat was witnessing the famous Blue-Footed Boobies engaging in their courtship dance—a truly remarkable and intimate glimpse into their natural behaviors.

Day 6: Genovesa – Darwin Bay and El Barranco

Our sixth day was a birdwatcher’s paradise on Genovesa Island. We began with a morning exploration of Darwin Bay, where we traversed along the white sand beaches and ventured into the mangroves that surround the crystal-clear waters. Kayaking in these serene waters offered a unique perspective of the island’s vibrant wildlife and lush surroundings. The sight of Nazca boobies, red-footed boobies, and swallow-tailed gulls was enchanting, and observing playful sea lions in the tidal pools added a touch of whimsy to our morning.

In the afternoon, we trekked to El Barranco (Prince Phillip’s Steps), a steep, rocky path that led us up to a high cliff-face. The views from the top were spectacular, and we were thrilled to spot red-footed boobies, short-eared owls, Nazca boobies, storm petrels, Galapagos swallows, and Galapagos doves. One of the most fascinating aspects of our visit was how close we could get to the birds without disturbing them. Unlike in the US, where wildlife often perceives humans as predators, the birds here were so accustomed to the presence of certified guides that they acted as if we weren’t there at all. This unique experience underscored the importance of the Galapagos’ conservation efforts and allowed us to observe the natural behaviors of these incredible creatures up close.

Day 7: Santiago and Bartolomé – Lava Formations and Penguins

Day seven took us to the intriguing landscapes of Santiago and Bartolomé Islands. We started with a visit to Sullivan Bay on Santiago Island, where we were awestruck by the giant lava formations contrasting with the pristine white-coral-sand beach. The geological formations here, with their small volcanoes and lava flows, created a dramatic and otherworldly scenery.

Later, we explored Bartolomé Island, home to the iconic Pinnacle Rock. The guided walk up to this volcanic formation offered us stunning views of Bartolomé, Santiago, and nearby islands. Snorkeling here was a highlight of the day—swimming alongside colorful Bi-color Parrotfish, Streamer Hogfish, and Flag Cabrilla. To our amazement, we even encountered a Galapagos Penguin “snorkeling” with us, along with hammerhead sharks and sleeping sharks, making the underwater adventure truly unforgettable.

Day 8: Rábida and Chinese Hat – Flamingos and Kayaking

On day eight, we explored Rábida Island, known for its striking red sand beaches and saltwater lagoons. The island was alive with wading flamingos and nesting pelicans, offering a vibrant splash of color against the red volcanic backdrop. We enjoyed snorkeling here and marveled at the marine life, including playful sea lions swimming under our kayaks.

In the afternoon, we traveled to Chinese Hat, a small island off Santiago’s southeast tip. Kayaking around the island was a highlight, as we observed the unique lava flows and tunnels. The turquoise waters were perfect for a refreshing dip, and we spotted white-tipped sharks and the playful Galapagos Penguins. Experiencing the island’s natural beauty from both the water and land was an exhilarating end to our family adventure in the Galapagos.

Day 9: Baltra to Quito – A Final Night in the City

As our Galapagos adventure drew to a close, we disembarked the Reina Silvia Voyager at Baltra and headed back to Quito. The transition from the remote islands to the vibrant city was smooth, and we relished one final night on the town. Strolling along the charming streets of Quito, we discovered some of the best Mexican food we’d ever tasted. It was the perfect end to our journey, savoring delicious cuisine while reflecting on the incredible experiences we’d shared.

Day 10: Flights Home – Reflections on an Unforgettable Journey

Our final day saw us traveling back home, fulfilled and deeply inspired by the extraordinary nature we had encountered. Before departing, I asked each family member for their reflections on the trip and their favorite moments from our family adventure in the Galapagos:

  • Angie (mom): “Our small ship journey to the Galapagos Islands with G Adventures was ideal for family bonding and creating lasting memories. The destination kept us together and safe, while the break from technology allowed us to play games, read, and be silly on the boat. We were captivated by the wildlife, from boobies to tortoises, and enjoyed engaging hikes and snorkeling with turtles and sharks. The small ship experience and focus on sustainable travel were highlights, though having more families onboard or a private sailing would have made it even better.”
  • Chloe (21): “My favorite part of the trip was definitely being so close to turtles, sharks, and sea lions while snorkeling. Check out the video above, I took it on our GoPro! I typically become fearful when wild animals get so close to me, especially when underwater, however, these interactions were just so incredible and different that fear didn’t even cross my mind. I also enjoyed the beauty of sailing on a yacht and being able to watch the sunsets and sunrises on the top deck in the hot tub. It was so peaceful and made for some relaxation after long adventure-packed days.”
  • Carter (17): “Swimming with the sea lions was amazing; they would get really close, and you would have no fear at all. It was almost like they saw you as a friend and not a foe.”
  • Hunter (14): “My favorite part was when we were hiking and saw a baby blue-footed booby interacting with its family. It was cool to see the birds up close, and they didn’t even think to fly away.”

G-Adventures Experience

Our journey with G-Adventures met our expectations, from the ship to our cabins and we were impressed by our guides and the crew onboard. The meals offered variety and plenty of local eats (fish and other seafood).  The crew became friends, making the entire experience feel personal and welcoming. Our tour guides were impressed with their depth of knowledge about the Galapagos and its ecosystems. 

The Reina Silvia Voyager, accommodating up to 12 passengers, provided an intimate and comfortable setting for our adventure. With only four of us on board, we found ourselves wishing we could have had eight more friends join us to fill the ship and tailor the experience even more closely to our preferences. As the youngest group on board, we felt that a private charter could have enhanced our journey further, though we did make great friends with the other travelers.

However, we didn’t always connect with some of the other guests who preferred an adult-only crowd. I will share that G Adventures offers family-focused itineraries, however, the family options did not work for our travel dates; therefore, I took a chance that it wouldn’t be an issue being on a sailing with a demographic of adults.  My teens behaved well, but they didn’t necessarily fit the social agenda of a few couples on board, others on the ship were so inviting and we ended with hugs and an exchange of contact information. While we overcame the group time dynamics, it’s worth noting that on a small ship interacting with other guests is unavoidable. For families and solo travelers with children, I highly recommend considering a private group setting. In retrospect, having two other families with teens and like-minded adults would have elevated our experience from an eight out of ten to a ten out of ten. Next time, I’ll opt for a private small group journey, even if it means taking extra time to organize the group. While meeting new people has its advantages, the predictability and comfort of traveling with familiar faces can make a significant difference in a close-knit setting.

One other important caveat: There was no Wi-Fi on our ship, which meant we were without phone service for most of our trip. While this digital detox allowed us to fully immerse ourselves in the natural beauty around us, it did leave us a bit anxious about life back home, especially the teenagers. Nonetheless, the experience was a refreshing break and a reminder of the wonders of the world we often overlook in our connected lives. We would recommend bringing games and books for entertainment in your downtime. 

Our family adventure in the Galapagos with G-Adventures checked many boxes, and we returned home with a deeper appreciation for the natural world and cherished memories that will last a lifetime.  For more information on the sustainability of small ships, check out this Forbes article – Small Cruise Ships Are Taking a Big Lead on Sustainability. Here’s How written by Christopher Elliot which features a quote about our G Adventures and Galapagos Islands experience.  If you are a savvy travel who likes to research tips and tricks to traveling, we highly recommend you bookmark the Elliot Report – Chris is one of our favorite consumer reports on travel! 

At Boutique Travel Advisors, we proudly partner with G Adventures, a trusted provider known for crafting affordable, culturally immersive itineraries tailored to the active traveler. Whether you’re exploring with a private group, planning a family-focused getaway, or embarking on a solo adventure, G Adventures offers diverse options to suit various travel styles. Our advisors have extensive experience recommending G Adventures to a wide range of travelers. For a more personalized experience, join one of our exclusive groups led by Julie, our expert travel coach, who has curated several itineraries with G Adventures and other handpicked partners. Let us help you embark on your next unforgettable journey! Check out the opportunities with G-Adventures for the upcoming year!

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